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53  Photos
  Photographer: ovi varon    EOS 70D   Photographer: yemimah Feldman    D7100   Photographer: or haim    Photographer: moshe dahan    EOS 650D   Photographer: Hezi Goldenberg    EOS 60D   Photographer: Amos Dadon    D300S   EOS 7D   Photographer: tomer ganon    EOS DIGITAL REBEL XTI   Photographer: NIRA ZADOK    D80   People    Israel    World & Travel    Professions    events    Nature    City & Architecture    Photo Technique    Animals    Israel views Gallery    United States Gallery    landscape Gallery    Trees Gallery    Sky Gallery    Photography Gallery    Africa Gallery    water Gallery    Shores Gallery    Sunsets Gallery    Sunrises Gallery    North Israel Gallery    south of Israel Gallery    Central Israel Gallery    people Gallery    agriculture Gallery    Desert Gallery    Modern Architecture Gallery    Old architecture Gallery    Structures and Buildings Gallery    Asia Gallery    South America Gallery    black & white Gallery    Greece Gallery    Long exposure Gallery    Land Gallery    Dogs Gallery    Sheep Gallery    Reptiles Gallery    Lakes & Rivers Gallery    HDR Gallery    Ceremonies Gallery    Dead Sea Gallery