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45  Football Photos
  Photographer: Chagit A    EOS DIGITAL REBEL XS   EOS 50D   Photographer: Yuval Haimov    DMC-FZ8   D60   Photographer: yacov blumenkranz    D5000   Photographer: moshe dahan    EOS DIGITAL REBEL XTI   DSC-P72   D3   Photographer: Gadi Meir    FinePix S8000fd   POWERSHOT SD600   Photographer: Kfir Dadon    D80   Photographer: Ronen Rosenblatt    D70   Photographer: Zeev Mendelovitch    Photographer: Niv Cohen    EOS 30D   Photographer: arik kfir    POWERSHOT S3 IS   Photographer: Yoram Segol    iPhone 14 Pro Max   FinePix S5100   FC3170   Photographer: Eitan Shor    Photographer: Doron Myersdorf    FinePix S7000   Photographer: Gil ner    Photographer: Eli Rimon    D90   Photographer: Tamir Yogev    EOS 40D   Photographer: Joshua Raif    SLT-A37   Photographer: shmulik slutzky    Photographer: Itzik Einhorn    D5100   Photographer: NISIM DORON    EOS 70D   DiMAGE Z6   Photographer: David Lev    Digimax V4   People    Israel    World & Travel    Art    Nature    Music    sport    post production    City & Architecture    Photo Technique        Picture Type    Jerusalem Gallery    Tel Aviv Gallery    Israel bird's eye view Gallery    kids Gallery    Thailand Gallery    landscape Gallery    Europe Gallery    football Gallery    body Gallery    Shores Gallery    people Gallery    fire Gallery    Spain Gallery    Desert Gallery    Structures and Buildings Gallery    Processing & effects Gallery    Museums and exhibitions Gallery    Argentina Gallery    South America Gallery    black & white Gallery    Abstract Gallery    macro Gallery    Panorama Gallery    Land Gallery    ball games Gallery    New Zealand Gallery    Lakes & Rivers Gallery    HDR Gallery     Gallery    Photo Gallery